

Egal, ob mit einem Anbieterwechsel oder der Umsetzung von Energietipps – Mit Stromliste hunderte von Euro sparen:

🏆CHIP-Qualitätssiegel "Hohe Kundenorientierung"


Egal, ob mit einem Anbieterwechsel oder der Umsetzung von Energietipps – Mit Stromliste hunderte von Euro sparen:

🏆CHIP-Qualitätssiegel "Hohe Kundenorientierung"



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🏆CHIP-Qualitätssiegel "Hohe Kundenorientierung"

How to register with a utilities provider in Austria

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Are you moving in a new home and need help for activating power supply? Call 0720 1155 70 (Mo-Fr from 8 am to 7 pm) or let us call you back. We find a cheap electricity supplier for you and do all the administrative procedures as a free service.

Elektriker am Stromkasten

Finding a cheaper, quality provider is easy with

In this article we provide useful information for expats in Austria on how to register with a utility provider in order to set yourself up. With these helpful tipps, you don't need to worry about electricity and gas and can start a new chapter in Austria.

First, be sure that your apartment will be supplied with gas or electricity when you move in. You have to register with the energy supplier of your choice before energy is switched off in your appartment. In case there is not any energy running in your apartment, make sure to register as with a supplier as early as possible. You can register a week before moving in in order have electricity when you start unpacking and plugging in your devices. GYou can easily register with a cheaper alternative supplier by calling 0720 1155 70. We provide Service in English and handle the registration process for you - for free!.

Register with a utility provider

In order to get electricity and gas for your new home, you have to sign up with an energy supplier. In Austria you can chose from a long list of suppliers. They offer a variety of different plans given your preferences. You can chose energy originating from 100% renewable sources, different pricing schemes and other options depending on your needs. For example, you have the option to register for a plan that updates its prices per kilowatthour on a monthly basis or you opt for a plan that guarantees a certain price over a previously defined timerange. If you need any help finding a cheaper provider and a plan that fits your demands, stromliste helps you chosing the right plan and registers you right away. Just call 0720 1155 70 Our service is free and available in English.

To register, your signature is not required: you will receive a confirmation link via e-mail which serves as authentication. From a legal point of view it replaces your signature. The confirmation link will be sent to you automatically in the few minutes following the mailing of your registration form.

To sign up for any supplier, you have to provide the following data:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your birthdate
  • Your email
  • Your bank account data
  • Your ID of your meter
  • Your Zählpunktummer

Zählpunktnummer This Zählpunktnummer (reporting point number) is a 33 digit number assigned to your appartment by the network provider. You either ask directly by calling your network operatoror ask the previous tenant if he/she could provide this information. You will find the reporting point number on the electricity bill. We find a cheaper provider and handle the registration for you - for free. Just call 0720 1155 70

Alternative utility suppliers and standard suppliers in your area

Before the market for electricity and gas was liberalized, network operators and utility suppliers were one entity with a monopoly for a certain region. Today, the utility providers that emerged from the separation of these entities are the standard suppliers people register with by default. However, chosing an alternative provider can lead to significant reductions in your expenses depending on the plan you chose. You can register with alternative utility providers such as Verbund, Schlaustrom or aWATTar by calling 0720 1155 70. Stromliste finds a cheaper plan and does the registration for you, for free - all it takes is a simple phonecall.

Below, you find a list with the standard utility providers in your region.

ViennaViennaWien Energie
GrazStyriaEnergie Steiermarkt
LinzUpper AustriaEnergie AG
SalzburgSalzburgSalzburg AG
WelsUpper AustriaEnergie AG Oberösterreich
Sankt PöltenLower AustriaEVN Energieversorgung Niederösterreich 

If you are looking for a cheaper alternative utilities supplier, call 0720 1155 70 (Mo-Fr from 8 am to 7 pm) or let us call you back. We find a cheaper offer for you and take care all the administrative procedures for free.

Finding your network operator

Woman on telephone

You can register easily by calling 0720 1155 70

Network operators have a monopoly for a certain region unlike utility providers who face competition in a free market. This means that while you can save money by registering with a cheaper alternative supplier, you have to register with the local network operator. However, these operators are heavily regulated. We at Stromliste we have drawn up a list of these operators that might help you with your research. The following list shows the major network operators in Austria for each state and some major cities. Still, you might have to register with a local network operator, which you will find in our rubric dedicated to your network operator

ViennaWiener Netze
Lower AustriaNetz Niederösterreich
Upper AustriaNetz Oberösterreich GmbH
LinzLinz Stromnetz
BurgenlandNetz Burgenland
StyriaEnergie Steiermark
GrazStromnetz Graz
Corinthia>Energie Klagenfurt GmbH
SalzburgSalzburg Netz GmbH
VorarlbergVorarlberger Energienetze GmbH

If you want to set up energy or gas in your appartment and desire a cheaper alternative provider- call0720 1155 70 (Mo-Fr from 8 am to 7 pm) or let us call you back. We find a cheap electricity supplier for you and do all the administrative procedures as a free service.

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